The Field Maple of Treflach

The Field Maple of Treflach
  Pictured is the only native Maple species of the UK which usually is only just a hedgerow bush. It attracts aphids and their predators, while ma...

The New Wildlife Corridors of Treflach

The New Wildlife Corridors of Treflach
Pictured is a new wood planted at Treflach Farm adjacent an old water mill. It’s a mixture of broadleaf native species including silver birch, ro...

The Mountain of Treflach

The Mountain of Treflach
View the video here Sweeney, adjacent to Treflach is famous for its mountain. In the accompanying video (click the link here) you can see the moun...

The Drays of Treflach

The Drays of Treflach
Pictured is a local tree in which a squirrel has spent the summer playing.  With reference to The Treflach Squirrel blog post (11.02.20), squirrel...

The Tree pollen of Treflach

The Tree pollen of Treflach
One of the most satisfying things to watch in nature is to sit and observe bees returning to their hive laden down with pollen on their back legs....

The "Folium Retro Mori" of Treflach

The "Folium Retro Mori" of Treflach
In the 1970s, we lost Dutch Elms from our landscape, but 50 years on it flourishes in our hedges so long as they are kept trimmed – older growth s...

The Great British Friesian of Treflach

The Great British Friesian of Treflach
Two thousand years ago Hippocrates stated all disease begins in the gut… well you are what you eat what they eat. They being the animals that gr...

The Gateways of Treflach

The Gateways of Treflach
Pictured is the oldest wooden gate in the district. It was hung in 1967, bought from W.H .Thomas that had a saw mill in Oswestry on Salop Road whe...

The Pennywort of Treflach

The Pennywort of Treflach
I’m not normally one for picking wild flowers as I prefer them to be left to fulfil their natural life cycle, and I believe them to be more beauti...

The Weather of Treflach

The Weather of Treflach
This picture was taken just over a month ago showing thick moss in a local north facing hedge.  From July 2023 to mid April 2024 it has been lik...

The Ellis Oaks of Treflach

The Ellis Oaks of Treflach
These two oak tree at Ty Tegwych (Fair House in Welsh) are 135 years old.  The one is a Sessile or Irish Oak, the other is a Common or English Oa...

The Benchmark of Treflach

The Benchmark of Treflach
This time of year they say spring travels at 1 mph during daylight hours starting in the south and moving north slowed only by altitude, which on ...