It will soon be the longest day, a time remembered before time was recorded. There is no Stonehenge in Treflach just an ancient settlement at Upper Forest, however from the uplands of Treflach you can see where the sun rises and sets at it greatest and it is this that creates our seasons which nature responds to .
In this new age of the internet it is difficult to comprehend how we used to communicate, I’m not talking about telephones or the post, but way back.
From the Treflach uplands you can see the Malvern hills to the south and the Buxton hills to the north. Beacons could be lit so within minutes a message, albeit simple, could be relayed around the country. One can also see the tower of St Oswald and hear the bells on a local level . A shipping magnet in the 1850’s who used to live at the Summer House on Sweeney Mountain with the aid of his telescope could see when his ship docked in at Liverpool port. On Llynclys hill there is a stack of stones marking where a flag pole once stood, a relic of the Dumville-Lees family that once owned the area. When the flag flew it was time to cut the hay, and they knew because they owned a barometer. However the old sage in the village would watch nature. Mother nature has a way of giving and taking as it has always done; Treflach life is where the old meets the new in harmony.