The Lightning of Treflach

When lightning occurs it creates nitrogen oxide.  When it rains it dissolves in the soil making dark lush green grass.  Pictured is a local tree struck over 50 years ago which has grown back since the catastrophic strike of 3000 million volts at 27,000 degrees centigrade,   a nearby tree struck twice a few years ago has gone.

Lightning usually hits tall or pointy structures in isolated places like mountains, hills or churches and skyscrapers in the city so long as it is a good conductor.  Trees that are full of oil tend to be poor conductors which allows local giant conifers to stay safe.

Geosmin is the smell when the soil gets damp after a dry spell.  The human nose can detect it at 0.4 parts to the billion and scientists believe the uplift in mood that is associated with the phenomenon harks back to our ancestors in Africa when approaching rain meant survival!

Another strange fact is that when it is raining the air you breath in when outside is full of negative ions which causes a surge of oxygen in the blood – the same reaction occurs when on the beach with crashing waves and under waterfalls.

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